Early Crisis Intervention and Eviction Assistance Program
FSA’s Eviction Assistance Program is a component of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Eviction Assistance Program, providing resources and early crisis intervention and homelessness prevention services to individuals at particular risk of eviction. Additionally, the program allows for immediate access to existing funding and the supportive services needed to ensure that high-risk families retain their housing.No fees are charged to participants
Contact Information:
1255 Post Street, San Francisco, CA, 94109
Victoria Gray, Program Director, (415) 474-7310 x 318
San Francisco Tenant's Union
This organization offers information to tenants of San Francisco. It offers Tenants Rights Counseling as well. (Please go to thier Website for information of counceling.) You can become a Tenants Union Member, get information on Legislation + Actions, read Tenant times (an Online tenant newspaper), and learn of volunteer opportunities as well.
It offers information on the following:
Rent Contol and Rent Increases
Evictions Generally
Just Causes for Eviction
OMI Evictions
Ellis Evictions
Unlawful Detainers
Security Deposits
Principal Place of Residency
Landlord Harassment
Buildings For Sale
Condo + TIC Conversions
Mergers + Demolitions
Contact Information:
Address: 558 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone:(415) 282-6622
Web Site: http://www.sftu.org/
Link to other Great Housing Resources:
(Taken from the San Francisco Tenant's Union Website)
Web Site: http://www.sftu.org/links.html